Monday, January 31, 2011


He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11

This year’s study of Isaiah has been difficult in many ways. For me this book is quite hard to read cuz of the way it’s written… kind of poetic in a way and I’m not sure how to say it aside from being difficult. On top of that, it’s been much about God’s discipline towards His people for their disobedience and sin… the trials of the Jews… the use of other nations against them and also the demise of the nations who thought they were so wonderful and strong but were used as God’s instruments. All tough reading to say the least.

But, the past two weeks we’ve moved into some easier reading where God is comforting His people. He is forgiving them and showing that He never stopped loving them and never will. The above verse, Isaiah 40:11, actually made me smile and gave me chills when I read it. It’s so sweet and comforting and something I really needed to hear and feel.

Life has been feeling difficult and like a bunch of trials and possibly discipline for me. When things are rough it’s often hard to remember how much God loves me and that He will take care of me… it really doesn’t feel like He’s holding me in His arms. I know He does love me… well in my head. But then why is life so darn difficult? Am I totally missing the boat in everything I do? Am I off His path and running amuck of my own? I’m so strong willed and more often than not… ok way more often than not… I run with my thoughts and ideas without taking quiet time to pray and consult God on things. Then there are the really big things, like business decisions, that honestly I’m afraid of the answers so I don’t spend enough time in prayer seeking them. I pray for success and for things to turn around, but not so much asking for what it is I should do with my business. Oh my gosh I hate to admit this. It’s good though… putting it out there makes me much more aware and I hope awareness is a step towards taking action.

Ok, back to comfort. I can get some comfort from other people and it’s wonderful in times of need. Sometimes it’s God coming through them at just the right time with just the right way of comforting. My realization this past week has been that although people can, and will, comfort, I have to remember that God is the only comfort that is always there for me and I have to turn to Him in times of need. If He chooses to put a person in my path to console me that’s great! I just need to seek Him though. I’m gonna try to remember the verse quoted above and remember how it made me feel and the smile it brought to my face.

~ Lord, thank you for the love and comfort You brought Your children back in the day of Isaiah and for documenting it for us to be able to read today. I sit here today realizing that I fail miserably at seeking Your comfort in times of need when in actuality it is You I need to turn to. Please not only help me to remember to turn to You, but also to be an instrument of comfort to others for You. Please help me to have the right words and actions when one of Your children needs comforting. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.~

Monday, January 17, 2011

Boats on the shoreline…

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”  So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
Luke 5:10-11

I’ve been wanting to blog for days now and then at church yesterday we sang this hymn that totally motivated me. It’s called “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” and here are some of the lyrics…

“Lord, you have come to the lakeshore
looking neither for wealthy nor wise ones.
You only asked me to follow humbly.

O Lord, with your eyes you have searched me,

kindly smiling, have spoken my name.
Now my boat's left on the shoreline behind me;
by your side I will seek other seas.”

Also, if you would like to hear it… I found a nice performance sung as a duet by a father and son… Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore .

I love the words to this hymn… struck home in many ways for me. It’s such a good feeling to know that God looks for, seeks out, everyday people… in fact the weaker the better it seems. And actually we are all weak in one way or another whether we want to acknowledge it or not… I have a feeling God wants us to see those weaknesses and allow ourselves to be humble and submit to Him.  

Anyways, when I came to believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior it felt as if I left my boat (old ways of life) on the shoreline and began my journey anew. Traveling by His side is the where I want to be, but as we know from my prior blogs, I tend to lag behind more often than I care to. Sometimes that life left behind seems to be calling out to me and I get weak or lazy and turn to look. The good thing is that it’s not comfy anymore… not at all. It’s very clear to me that I’ve veered off from His side and am on the wrong track. Prayer, reading and clinging to the Bible, reaching out to friends, anything it takes to get back by His side is what I need to do. Funny I should write “clinging to the Bible” when it’s not exactly something I do… it’s something I yearn to do. Awwww so I admit to it, now maybe I will get on the ball and do it! There’s sooooo much in the Bible I have yet to discover and look forward to it. For me it’s a matter of making some quiet time to be alone with the Lord… and not while driving in the car. Driving is good time to talk to Him, but not reading.

If you get a chance to listen to “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore” please to. I really found it to be inspiring and wanted to share it with folks.

~Lord, thank you so much for calling me to be by Your side. Your eyes searched me and continue to do so and You still love me… that’s amazing to me and I feel so humbled by that. I pray that those who have not found You yet are able to come to You and leave their boats behind too. Please guide and show me how I can be of service to You in order to help others on their journey’s. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.~

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A new year…

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 
1 Peter 3:3-4

Happy New Year! My prayer for everyone is a happy, healthy new year filled with love.

The past few days I’ve had much on my mind with the arrival of a new year. Of course we hear much talk of “new year’s resolutions”… something I’ve been afraid of and continue to be. Oh I made plenty in my time and I can’t think of one that I actually followed through with. So, to me, new year resolutions are a way of setting myself up for failure and I don’t want to go there. With that said, I will admit to having some things I’d like to accomplish in the next 12 months for sure… just not going to put the “resolution” word on them. I’m actually laughing at myself while typing this. But seriously… do I follow through with anything??? Look at this blog for example… I was going to blog weekly without exception. How long did that last? I made the statement and then didn’t follow through… with each day that went by and I didn’t uphold to what I said I would, I beat myself up just a little more. Not good behavior for someone who is trying to better herself… especially spiritually.

We are in the second day of the new year now and not much feels different to me. I used to expect miraculous changes come January 1st of each year… not anymore thank goodness. I don’t mean to be a downer about this… just trying to face the reality of things. To me each new day is a new beginning… a new opportunity to connect with the Lord and move forward in the journey of life. I would much rather see things this way and take them day by day. For me it’s easier to digest a bad day and the hope that the next will be better, than to look at things on a yearly basis. I guess that’s part of the reason I’ve not gotten overly excited about the coming of 2011. In fact I’m going to try to be a bit more excited about each day… this just now came to me as I write this. I’m going to try to wake up and go back to something I used to do but stopped for some reason. I’m gonna wake up and the say good morning to Jesus and thank him for the day… before my feet hit the ground! This isn’t a resolution mind you! It’s just something I need to get back to doing cuz I used to and it was a great way to start my day.

Short but sweet blog today… again Happy New Year!

~Lord, thank You for all the blessings You bestow on me each and every day of the year. Please help me to stay focused and see all the beauty You place in this world. Please be with all Your people in this new year so that we may walk the path You have designed for us. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen~

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